Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3)  Thank you to all the brave cowgirls that commented, affirmed "Be Brave, Cowgirl," and encouraged me to hang on to my horse so to speak.  I was overwhelmed to read their blogs, and to find out what painful circumstances some are in now.  Many are grieving horrendous losses, yet they wrote me words of encouragement. "Encouragement" means to instill courage, to put courage back in.  For many, this spring is a sad time, yet they write blog posts that inspire others, and take time to encourage me.  You all are my heroes. You make me want to rise above my day to day battles, and "pay it forward."

I am loving this spring.  For me, it is a season of beginnings, a time to push through my weaknesses and stand strong.  Yesterday I delighted myself by taking photos of this season's gifts  - peonies drapping white fences, a red silk cotton tree bursting with bright red, etc.  After downloading to my laptop and feeling excited to hold this beauty, somehow the pictures disappeared. Gone in an instant.  Maybe I forgot to import them and/or got distracted watching The Voice or who knows.  Today I had the gift of time to go back to these beauties to try again.  Do you know they were even more gorgeous?  It was as though they were waiting for my return.  A hollyhock even caught my eye!  I, also, wondered what the people in the neighborhood thought if they saw me snapping pictures in front of their homes again.  In California, I really could've been a paparazzi.  As the blooms of spring dry up, there will be new ones in summer.  Just as grief seems to have it's grip on a heart, the time will change to a new purpose.

Be Brave, Cowgirls!  You are appreciated and loved!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Butterflies & Courage

What is a blog without posts?  Again, this is a learning curve for this cowgirl.  Yes, this is my blog home, yet as a late bloomer in life and Blog Land, I want to make a difference.   So after such kind, encouraging comments, I admit to having a tummy of excited butterflies and increased courage.  My heart could explode with gratitude for those that took the time to make me feel at home and most of all, safe.  My heart's passion is to do the same for you ~ help you feel encouraged and safe.  I love the image of us together on our horses riding off into the sunset. We do need each other to be brave!  We need friendships in all shapes and sizes.  We are here together from all over the world to lift each other up, to learn from each other, and to inspire each other's passions.  I am falling in love with so many new friends.

Another brave confession.  I am chronologically 61 years old, yet there is a child inside that is becoming freed up to "let the words fall out," to create like never before, and to play.  My heart's desire is to inspire cowgirls of all ages to tap into their inner children too.  I'm having a problem with a few words such as "elderly," "senior" (unless it helps me get into movies cheaper), and "old" (as in, "She is old.").  How about not even using these words, and instead, just be women or even better, "cowgirls."  Thank you, Theresa Jarosz Alberti for sharing this fabulous video!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Feeling Vulnerable, Living Brave

In the e-course, Build a Blog You Truly Love, Liv Lane has asked us to write a post about being vulnerable.  Since this is my first blog and post ever, I am feeling vulnerable.  How interesting that my blog is built on bravery!  I am seeing this as a great way to introduce my blog, and share it's purpose.

First of all, I am one that has had a multitude of fears throughout my life.  To carry around a bottle of Pepto Bismol in my little purse at nine years old definitely reflected fear.   When I began to date Jim, now my husband of almost 39 years, I carried a bottle of Pepto Bismol in my purse just in case I felt nauseated or someone else did.  Jim remembers this like it was yesterday.  He would take me out for fabulous seafood, and I would order fried chicken, because I was scared to eat boiled crawfish or shrimp. 

There are too many other situations to write about this time, but just know I am well acquainted with fear.  As a licensed therapist, I have made it my goal to face my fears head on.  

After all, how on earth could I help anyone face their fears if I couldn't face my own?  I now eat raw oysters, sushi,and relish Mexican food.  Nowadays if I gulp down Pepto Bismol, it is usually for over indulging.  

"Be Brave, Cowgirl", came from a collage I made to encourage and inspire others.  A cowgirl represents courage to me.  She is not afraid to get on her horse and ride with hair blowing in the wind.  And, one of my favorite characteristics about her, she loves to have fun!  Will you join me on our imaginary horses to be brave together?  This cowgirl sure hopes so!!! 

Bonnie Hall Knox c. 1933